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Government and Politics of the Contemporary Middle East Continuity a

CPI 2022 for Middle East and North Africa: Lack of government integrity fuels ongoing conflict in Arab States

Middle East Government

Many articles of constitution about political freedoms and minority rights (e.g. education in mother language for language minorities) have not been applied at all. According to the International Organization for Migration, there are 13 million first-generation migrants from Arab nations in the world, of which 5.8 reside in other Arab countries. Expatriates from Arab countries contribute to the circulation of financial and human capital in the region and thus significantly promote regional development. Arabs constitute the largest ethnic group in the Middle East, followed by various Iranian peoples and then by Turkic peoples (Turkish, Azeris, Syrian Turkmen, and Iraqi Turkmen). Native ethnic groups of the region include, in addition to Arabs, Arameans, Assyrians, Baloch, Berbers, Copts, Druze, Greek Cypriots, Jews, Kurds, Lurs, Mandaeans, Persians, Samaritans, Shabaks, Tats, and Zazas.

  • Hamas’s political Islamist ideology, ties to Iran, Western designation as a foreign terrorist organization, and former leader’s call on Muslims to join the fight against Israel challenge Saudi Arabia’s national security, policy of disengagement from pan-Islamism, and animosity toward political Islam.
  • Another Semitic language such as Aramaic and its dialects are spoken mainly by Assyrians and Mandaeans.
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  • Seeking to frame critical parameters in light of these new horizons, this series instigates reinterpretations of democracy and propagates formerly ‘subaltern,’ narratives of democratization.
  • Many of the data and insights discussed in this chapter come from the following research sources.

The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to conduct in-depth, nonpartisan research to improve policy and governance at local, national, and global levels. Several major university-based programs also dive into Iranian history and affairs; among them are Stanford’s Program in Iranian Studies and Manchester’s Nashriyah, a digital archive of Iranian historical periodicals, photographs, and documents. An English-language online daily that generates interesting content is Morocco World News, which for Western readers may be the best portal to Moroccan happenings given that most other Moroccan publications appear primarily in Arabic or French.

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After the eruption of the Gaza conflict, Hezbollah and Palestinian factions attacked Israeli military positions, while Israel limited its responses to South Lebanon. Although Hezbollah might escalate further, the conflict has already shifted the rules of engagement relative to where they were a few weeks ago. In Lebanon, the war on Gaza has unfolded alongside Hezbollah’s engagement on the country’s southern borders. Three main questions will dominate the next phase, regardless of when the conflict ends. Palestinian leaders in Ramallah petulantly stood back, hoping that the territory would somehow be delivered back to them.

Middle East Government

The Institute for Turkish Studies has a wealth of online resources regarding the further study of Turkish politics and society. The Turkey Project of the Brookings Institution likewise has a dense collection of briefings and reports. This chapter provides the analytic framework for studying the politics of the Middle East and North Africa. It defines the region and identifies the conceptual pillars of political study – in particular states, regimes, regime types such as democracy and authoritarianism, and the role of foreign policy. It also reviews the MENA’s modern political history, underscoring the major events, conflicts, and trends that have marked its evolution over time.

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This event will bring together open government champions and stakeholders from the region and key international partners to raise collective ambition, energize the community, and generate new political support to make governments more transparent, accountable and responsive to citizens. Strong adoption and delivery have placed the UAE in the 3rd position globally in providing superior digital government services. In the field of e-government services, Abu Dhabi’s TAMM platform has also been recognized by the United Nations as one of the world’s leading practitioners.

Middle East Government

Beyond the need for vengeance, Israel is also grappling with several issues that will determine future developments. The unity government will be caught between maximalist rhetoric demanding the total destruction of Hamas and the difficulties of reoccupying Gaza, whether fully or in part. This may open the door to the expulsion of Palestinians, or some form of a population transfer, in a region where the forced exile of millions of people has been normalized in the aftermath of the Syrian conflict. Israel will also need to contend with rising unrest in the West Bank, as well as consider that any spillover of the conflict into Lebanon could draw in Iran, Iraq, the United States, and others. Hezbollah’s arsenal of precision missiles and battle-hardened fighters are also likely to cause significant damage to Israel’s infrastructure. In addition, the Egyptian government has offered to mediate between Israel and Hamas to stop the ongoing escalation.

Ultimately, Germany has to follow a more networked and nuanced Middle East policy which is driven by clear strategic interests and offers potential cooperation models by combining normative and pragmatic trajectories. During the Merkel years, German foreign policy was tightly controlled by the Chancellery, reducing the room for manoeuvre and creativity for the Foreign Ministry. Chancellor Scholz has already taken some steps to improve collaboration between his and Baerbock’s offices through key personnel changes. Jens Plötner, the former political director in the Foreign Ministry, has been appointed as Scholz’s foreign policy advisor, while his former deputy, Andreas Michaelis, now serves as Baerbock’s undersecretary of state (Staatssekretär). Such steps, together with continued investments in regional expertise and cross-ministerial coordination, are important in establishing the foundations for a more coordinated German approach to the Middle East.

What is the Middle East government?

The Middle East is a highly authoritarian region. Individual strongmen rule the majority of governments with near-absolute power, quashing civil liberties, free and fair elections, and any other perceived check to their power. But these authoritarian governments also come in different shapes and sizes.

Egypt has condemned the targeting of Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Gaza-based factions and the targeting of Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces. In official statements, the government has warned both sides against committing war crimes. This stance on the Israel-Gaza war has been welcomed by Egyptian civil society and opposition parties alike. The United States and European governments are better advised not to pressure Egypt to accept policies that undermine its national sovereignty, security interests, and political stability.

Republic of Iraq

We need to step up efforts and reforms to advance sustainable development and economic recovery. Bush School graduates who concentrated on the Middle East during their studies have gone on to successful careers in research and advocacy, development, diplomacy, and intelligence. Among the first portals in the region to adopt OpenAI GPT capabilities is Qatar’s e-government portal, Hukoomi. Through Azure Qatar Cloud and in accordance with the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, this implementation will enhance user experience and deliver better efficiency and speed in the portal. According to Dr. Khaled Mahdi, secretary-general of the supreme council for planning and development, between 2024 and 2025, Kuwait aims to reach 30th place in the United Nations e-government development index.

Middle East Government

Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman have historically shared the same strengths and vulnerabilities – affluence and stability when hydrocarbon revenues flowed readily, and hardship and insecurity when conflicts and recessions struck the Gulf. All ruled by hereditary monarchies but each facing unique challenges conditioned by their historical roots and royal inclinations, these five small kingdoms enter a new decade with well-defined political institutions but youthful populations and declining rentier wealth. Please call or email the librarian to set up a time to visit, research, or browse our ongoing book sale. Also keep an eye out for new acquisitions to the catalog and the publication of online resource guides.

Israeli gov’t intent on destroying Palestinians in Gaza, UN court told

Doha, meanwhile, squarely blamed Israel for the current escalation, pointing to repeated raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police. Doha called on Israel not to use this week’s events as a pretext for initiating a disproportionate war against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. However, Türkiye may have a role to play in preempting an even more perilous escalation, possibly by spearheading a regional diplomatic initiative that will be conditional on the participation of other key regional capitals. A critical first step has been Erdoğan’s move to rapidly initiate talks with Hamas for the safety and return of the Israeli hostages. But the real test for the Erdoğan government will be whether it will maintain its balancing act during the highly probable escalation in Gaza and the rising humanitarian cost.

Middle East Government

The Bureau uses diplomatic tools and public engagement to end conflict, highlight the value of education, and enhance respect for democratic institutions, including freedom of the press, human rights, religious liberty, and the rule of law. The United States will continue to work closely with its allies and partners in the region to further these mutual interests and counter extremist ideologies that seek to destabilize the region. Tunisia (40) dropped by four points since last year as the country continues down a path toward authoritarianism. President Kais Saied, striving to concentrate power in the hands of the executive, fired dozens of judges under the pretext of an anti-corruption purge and put the judicial system under his authority – ignoring Administrative Court decisions attempting to reverse his actions.

Finally, the Schusterman Center at Brandeis University contains a wide variety of online essays, syllabi, images, and resources devoted to Israeli studies. Structured analysis, including research briefings written by reliable analysts, also proliferate online, and are devoted to monitoring and evaluating the Tunisian government’s latest policies. Inheriting a past fraught with colonial trauma, revolutionary victory, and recent social conflict, Algeria at the close of the 2010s is experience a period of political change driven by a restive society hungry for greater openness and new leadership. Its challenge in the coming years entails not only reconciling the current contestation between popular mobilization and autocratic powerholders, but also kickstarting a torpid economy that must urgently generate more jobs and better opportunities, all the while navigating its dependence upon hydrocarbon rents. Establishing spaces for current and former officials and experts to engage in problem-solving dialogues in which they discuss emerging political and security trends in the region, resolution of conflicts, and broader issues related to regional security.

What defines a Middle Eastern country?

The most common but exclusive definition of the Middle East at the time of writing extends to Egypt in the West, Iran in the East, the Arabian Peninsula in the South and Turkey in the North (although occasionally Turkey and, more rarely, Egypt are omitted).

But for the Palestinians who have long suffered from the trauma of displacement, the “humanitarian corridor” is an Orwellian term that stands for another round of ethnic cleansing by way of resettling Palestinian refugees in tent cities in the Egyptian Sinai. There has been hardly any American mention of the Palestinians’ plight during a week of vicious Israeli bombardment of Gaza, except in the context of them being used as “human shield” by Hamas. Only after meeting Arab leaders, did Blinken speak in vague terms about potential humanitarian assistance. This was reflected in Blinken’s insistence that Arab partners with contacts to Hamas use their leverage for the release of all the Israeli captives held in Gaza. A tall order, considering both Israel and the United States have shown no concern for the safety of Palestinian civilians as they publicly commit to crushing Hamas, once and for all.

  • The Regional Platform provides a cost-effective remote solution by offering clients access to shared support services in the same time zone, including in the areas of contracting, management, legal, financial management, program, and technical support.
  • The Arab Spring destroyed a recalcitrant dictatorship in Egypt, but the tumult that followed was unprecedented, as Egyptians voted several times in the most democratic elections in history before a military coup returned the country in July 2013 to authoritarianism.
  • Following the conclusion of World War I in 1918 and the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922, many former Ottoman territories not already under European control were colonized by European countries via League of Nations mandates.
  • The North Africa region holds strategic and political importance for the United States and Europe because of its geographical location in a critically strategic position at the crossroads between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

On February 21, malicious activity commenced on a web server (Web Server 1) when a netstat command was executed to retrieve a full list of all TCP and UDP connections. In addition to deploying malware, the attackers made frequent use of the publicly available network administration tool Plink to configure port-forwarding rules on compromised machines, enabling remote access via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). There is also evidence the attackers modified Windows firewall rules in order to enable remote access. • Extensive pedagogical features, including original maps and further reading sections, provide essential support for the reader. Tunisia, which hosted the Palestine Liberation Organization headquarters from 1982 to 1991, has also seen protests calling for the Tunisian government to criminalize normalization with Israel—something President Kais Saied has publicly supported in the past. In May 2021 Saied stated that anyone who normalized ties with Israel was a “traitor,” and in August 2023 he called normalization “high treason.” Saied has also expressed public support for the Palestinians.

Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution, whether it be a written, uncodified, or blended constitution. This form of government differs from absolute monarchy in which an absolute monarch serves as the source of power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution and has the powers to regulate his or her respective government. French is taught and used in many government facilities and media in Lebanon, and is taught in some primary and secondary schools of Egypt and Syria. Maltese, a Semitic language mainly spoken in Europe, is also used by the Franco-Maltese diaspora in Egypt.

Iraq: PM says government to start process of removing US-led forces – Middle East Eye

Iraq: PM says government to start process of removing US-led forces.

Posted: Fri, 05 Jan 2024 14:21:00 GMT [source]

The Syrian civil war has left hundreds of thousands dead, with the Assad regime responsible for the overwhelming majority of those casualties—estimates range from 75 to 90 percent—in some cases by using chemical weapons. With results published since 1995, the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is developed and maintained by Transparency International (TI). CPI is a composite index used to assess corruption perceptions in the public sector, placing a particular focus on the legislative, political, and economic settings as well as governance processes across countries. CPI uses 13 independent sources of information, mostly expert reports and surveys in each country. To endorse the addition of a country to the CPI, at least three approved sources are required to be met. A country’s score is the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0-100, where 0 means highly corrupt and 100 means very clean.

Middle East Government

Who ruled the Middle East?

From the 3rd up to the course of the 7th century AD, the entire Middle East was dominated by the Byzantines and Sassanid Persia. From the 7th century, a new power was rising in the Middle East, that of Islam. The dominance of the Arabs came to a sudden end in the mid-11th century with the arrival of the Seljuq Turks.

Is the Middle East a Third World?

The Third World, meanwhile, encompassed all the other countries that were not actively aligned with either side in the Cold War. These were often impoverished former European colonies, and included nearly all the nations of Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia.

Who is in power in Dubai?

The executive authority and head of the government is the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

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